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Add a pause function pls

(2 edits)

High score of 508 636. Shotgun is powerful.

That out of the way, this is definitely a fun timewaster. Pretty polished, hunger and ammo discourage hiding in a house, and the vision/shooting system is very cool (it's so simple compared to what you'd expect from a top-down shooter, but also adds a layer of realism that surprised me when I figured that out). The unconditional spawning of zombies behind you also presents an interesting challenge.

My one critique is to buff the flamethrower. Despite having its own ammo, it's weak compared to the pistol and, at times, even the fists. It can burn through ammo (which alone justifies its own ammo category) for a delayed kill. In the early game, punching is a better alternative. In the late game, you're not gonna last long without a shotgun, and the flamethrower doesn't help with clearing paths to find one nearly as much as the AR or pistol. I'd suggest speeding up the burn time, slowing down the ammo consumption (make 1 fuel last a second, then consume another), and/or doing what most games do and making it pierce.

"I'd suggest speeding up the burn time, slowing down the [fuel] consumption"

I did both of those things.  Zombies take 3.5s to die from burning from 5.  Fuel use on the flamethrower is now 20% of the old rate.

(3 edits)

what just happened ??? The game, it just... got so complex, my mind blown.

there's hunger,the zombies seem to have better ai, Can they break the wall ,how do I get a gun. I have soo many questions, my mind is blown away.

EDIT: wait, it's procedurally generated, wow. This is amazing. It went from being a simple time waster, to a really good looking and fun game .

EDIT 2: sorry for the second edit, the game keeps on showing more and more surprise. I think the shotgun is a bit overpowered, it use 1 ammo but shoots out 5 or 6 bullets, which removes the feeling of needing to save ammo, which is supposed to be  a rare resource. I also think the bullet crates should only give 5 to 10 bullets instead of 24.By the way what are you supposed to do with the fuel.

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Shotguns now take two bullets per shot.  I also reduced the maximum spawn quantity for ammo to 20 from 30, with a minimum of 10.

The fuel is for the flamethrower.

oh ok I didn't know that.

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 hi jgordon510, this is a good game if you just want to waste time.and is fun to play.

but if I could give some suggestions for improvement the would be:

  •  is to increase the bullet speed and amount of bullets shot.
  • to reduce the amount of time take from a score of 10 to a score of 5 for the difficulty increase, as I had to wait 2 minutes for the score to reach 10 and for more zombies to spawn.

that's it,it's a short list because it is fun to play and just waste your time on. My high score was 110.

I agree with all points, it is pretty fun to waste time and everything just feels smooth in my opinion.

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I also agree with myself, by the way what was your high score?

edit: my new high score is 284,and I also noticed that after 200 points the games start to lag, so maybe some optimization could be used.


This is great feedback.  Thank you.  I agree with both of you.  More zombies spawn faster.  Also I optimized the way zombies are rendered so it should be possible to get a lot more on the screen before lag sets in.

The gun is also faster,  and I rescaled the game.

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Also my high score is 287 288 331! (now).

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nice, my new highscore was 300